Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University Received a Visit from SMAN 1 Leuwilang Depok West Java
The Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University (FIB Unud) received a visit from SMAN 1 Leuwilang Depok, West Java on Friday 17 May 2024. The group of class XI students, around 70 students, were received by the Head of the FIB Media Team, Galuh Febri Putra, S.Pd., M.A. in the Sukarno Room FIB Denpasar campus.
On this occasion, the representative of the student's accompanying teacher, Neneng Ratna Nengsih, S.E said that the purpose of her school students' arrival was as a study tour to get to know campuses in Indonesia and one of them was FIB Unud. According to Neneng, S.E. Thi occasion meant to provide students with more in-depth information regarding the study programs offered by FIB Unud. In his speech, Neneng, S.E. also expressed his gratitude to FIB Unud for accepting her school visit.
In the meeting which lasted approximately 90 minutes, students of SMAN 1 Leuwilang received information regarding FIB Unud which included history, location, study programs, student organizations and Student Activity Units (UKM) within Unud. The presentation of the material was given by the Head of the FIB Unud Media Team, Galuh Febri Putra, S.Pd., M.A.
After the presentation of the material, the visiting participants were given the opportunity to ask questions and the students' enthusiasm was clearly visible through the many questions asked. Some of them are related to routine student activities, student exchanges, campus life, tuition fees, admission systems and others.
The visit closed with a group photo of teacher and student representatives from SMAN 1 Leuwilang Depok with the Head of the Media Team. (Riken)